9 Christmas Social Media Post Ideas For Churches
18th Dec 2021
9 Christmas Social Media Post Ideas For Churches
A Poem About Church Social Media Managers for Christmas:
Twas the week before Christmas
and all through the city,
The church social media manager was creating content
and nobody took pity.
Whilst staff and volunteers alike
were nestled in beds
social media managers are on their phone
coming up with ideas in their heads...
We wanted to say a big "Merry Christmas" to all of our churches, and we know many of you not only order church banners and signs, but you're also the social media manager (and janitor, door un-locker, coffee maker, greeter, hugger, listener, question-answerer and so much more.)
To take something off your plate leading up to Christmas, (and maybe leave some room for extra apple pie?) we've created a free resource: 6 social media posts available to download at the bottom of this blog post and share on your Facebook, page, Instagram, or Twitter account. We know many of you go above and beyond, so besides the social media posts we've created for you, here are...
9 Christmas Social Media Post Ideas For Churches
Idea 1: Don't rely just on the image. Social Media Captions and Hashtags Matter.
While the social media image grabs attention, your caption matters too. Be sure the week leading up to Christmas that you're including your Christmas Eve or Christmas service times, and how to watch online. Engage your community by showing your church's personality in the caption.
For hashtags, use #ChristmasEve or #Christmas but there are also hashtags specific to your area like #YourCity or #YourNeighborhood or #YourCounty that will help you be seen by others in your area.
Idea 2: A Christmas Church Leaders Group Picture
It's important to create a connection on social media so that there's familiarity when a guest visits your church for Christmas Eve. We want them to feel like they know your lead pastor, or the person in the kids area, or they recognize a friendly face at the door.
Visitors are most likely to check out your Christmas social media ideas when they're getting ready to visit for Christmas Eve, so make that connection and build that rapport.
Idea 3: As Lots of Questions In Your Christmas Social Media Posts
Just like the Christmas graphics we've provided for you below, ask lots of questions to get people following you to engage. Here are some ideas of what you can ask:
- Favorite Christmas Song
- A or B Choices (pumpkin pie or apple pie, White Christmas or Warm Christmas, stay up late Christmas Eve opening presents or getting up early Christmas morning)
- As about a favorite Christmas memory from childhood.
Idea 4: Hint At What's Coming In Your Christmas Services
Have special Christmas music? Renting some lighting or special equipment? Have a Christmas choir? Sharing testimonies on Christmas Eve? Added some new Christmas Banners or decor?
Build anticipation for what your Christmas services will be like by offering teasers to get your followers in the Christmas spirit, and get them excited to bring their friends.
Idea 5: Create a tool so your church members can invite their friends
Send out an email with invitation images with details about your Christmas service to encourage people to share those images by email, post on social media, or send out a text. Giving your members the tools to invite people to your Christmas events will have much more impact than your church's social media pages offering an invite this Christmas season. People are more like to see what their friends posted than what's posted on a Facebook page.
Encourage people to share alongside in their post caption why Christmas matters to them, not just an invite to your church. Their personal recommendation matters more than the image you create. The social media image is just a tool.
Idea 6: Create A Christmas Service Facebook Event And Invite Your Church Members To RSVP
A Facebook event for your Christmas Service serves a few purposes.
- As your members reply that they'll be attending, this gets shared to their newsfeed (depending on their settings) which then shows their friends that they'll be attending and invites their local friends to attend also.
- When you've RSVP'd to an event, facebook will send you a reminder when that event is coming up so you don't miss it - this is great for your church members and their friends who are on the fence.
- Facebook will often highlight "Events in your area" to people who are not connected to your church or church members simply because they're in the area, so you'll get some extra reach that way. To make this most effective, be sure to fill out all of the information in the event - image, description, location, dates, times, and your website address to get full information.
Idea 7: Highlight The Christmas Story
Christmas time is one of the few times when the Christmas Story is front and center in everyone's mind. Nativity scenes adorn store fronts and lawns in your subdivision. Christmas music plays on the radio, in the mall, and at the office. People are constantly being reminded about the reason for Christmas. Capitalize on that awareness (and for many people, nostalgia) this time of year by sharing the Christmas story.
Show off your church's personality by acting out the Christmas story, or make a silly version with your staff, or have someone read a bit of Luke 2 each day as an advent leading up to Christmas, or have your lead pastor read the whole Christmas story as a single video and end with a invite to celebrate together at your Christmas services.
Idea 8: Invite Your Community To Get Involved In Your Christmas Season Outreach
Have a canned food drive leading up to Christmas, make your church a drop off location for operation shoebox, or take an offering on Christmas eve that goes 100% to your "All The World" fund, or for a specific project, and show a video about how last year's offering impacted a few people in your community or a group of people overseas.
Create a social media post to highlight the result of last year's giving, and the focus of this year's giving so your community knows that your local church is focused on helping others, not just focused inward, and pictures of your outdoor church signage so they recognize the building when they come to bring donations.
Idea 9: Create a Promotional Video for your Christmas Eve Service
Show a story of a changed life (or family) who gave their lives to Jesus last Christmas Eve, and the difference it's made for them this year, show what people can anticipate from Christmas Eve this year, or simply create a teaser that leaves people with anticipation wondering what to expect.
Create a store that your promotional video shows only the first half of, then use it in your Christmas eve service and act out the second half of your story, or a sermon bumper video that you'll use on Christmas Eve to lead into the sermon.
Do you record or live stream on Sunday morning? Maybe you've used a creative way to invite people to Christmas Eve during your stage announcements that could be repurposed as a promotional video on your Facebook page.
Video has the highest impact of any media on social accounts right now, so find a way to tie it into your strategy.