Helping Antioch Dallas with their Mission Conference
9th May 2018
Helping Antioch Dallas with their Mission Conference!
Inspiration for Church Events
Putting together a big church event can be overwhelming. With all the planning, and coordination of volunteers, it can be hard to find time figuring out how to properly set up displays for the event. How many banners will need, or what kind of displays will work best within the budget? Do you have a building that needs some outside directional tell visitors which way to go? Do you want to grab the community's attention and tell them them about the exciting event? Sure you do, and that's were we come in.
Last month, we worked with Antioch Church in Dallas to help them set up their World Mandate event. It's an annual conference that happens in Waco, but this year it had grown tremendously and had multiple satellite locations around the country streaming the event. We helped with all the locations, but have pictures of the local Dallas church down below. Their coordinator expressed all of the ideas that he in mind for displays, and we made it happen! From design layouts, to finished products, we made sure to provide quality customer service, constant collaboration and communication with event coordinators, and pixel-perfect artwork that translated to amazing print quality! Check out the details of the project per item below.
10' x 10' Event Tent
The event tent is a new product for Church Banners.
It is a full color product, but we wanted the tent to get more use after the conference so we opted to keep it simple with all there other prints. Below the tent we used a 12" x 72" wide vinyl banner and hung it with bungees left to right. In the center we tied it up to the frame so there would be no sag. It worked perfect for the check in station. You'll notice since it was out in the parking lot we had to use the optional sandbags for each leg. We ended up putting dispersing 25lbs into each bag. 1 bag of play sand from Home Depot cost around $4 and holds 50lbs.
13 Ft Feather Flags
Our popular 13ft feathers. What else can be said? You can see them from far away as they flap around and grab the attention from drivers. We opted to use a total of 6, with 3 welcome feathers and 3 of the Antioch feathers. We mix and matched them, and again we chose not to print World Mandate feathers, but their generic feathers. It will allow them to continue to use them through out the year and not be a one time a year use. Knowing that the event is on a weekend with visitors coming in, they would still be looking to associate the event with Antioch so it made since to save some money and keep it generic. Had a great pop by putting them by two separate entrances. By going with the black background, we were able to do the single sided feathers which still give off a great pop on the backside. It's read backwards, but the point of grabbing the attention of others still works very well.
36" Tension Fabric Banners
Tension banners are the new way to display with a great 3D look. Its a fantastic alternative to the D2 Rollups. The Tension banners give a softer look, but a more rigid feel. Tall bookmarks is what we tend to think they look like. It has a great foot print and creates a wonderful visual experience.
Each Tension banner was single sided with a white background. They can be double sided, but the lobby area of the building wouldn't allow for it. After the event, they'll be able to reuse the hardware and place new stretch fabric over them for the general use. You can see in the picture that they sit pretty high. You want to make sure to keep your main information up over the 6ft mark. They stand 90" tall and if you go to low you're going to be in the foot traffic area where the information will be covered up. When it stands alone in the pictures it seems a little high, but when everyone is around it works perfectly. Most people in the proofing process want it a little more centered, but then opt for the higher location so it will be better seen.
Another 36" Tension Fabric Banners
Sidewalk Signs - Sandwich Boards
Sidewalk signs, also know as sandwich boards have been around for ever. Putting them by a driveway entrance helps enforce the traffic pattern knowing where to turn in and park. Antioch sent us the background and logo, we just laid it out for them based off of their own concept. Remember, we customize for free if you've got the concept. Antioch gets all the credit for the design. We just went with their idea and made it work on the different displays we used. The sandwich board we use comes with inserts. We do not use the traditional velcro any more. For future use, they'll be able to flip them on the backside and add a new print, or request new inserts and easily slip them in.